Friday 4 September 2009

Day 4

The day started well with our friendly host providing us with a monster breakfast including a home cooked cakie chocolatie thing.

Once under way to Cuts, where Hal slept on the roadside, the weather decided to go against us and a strong headwind set in.

We're not sure how strong the wind was but it rather took the fun out of cycling.

Mostly we were travelling on high rolling plains, which must've made Hal glad that aeroplanes had yet to be fitted with machine guns, as there would've been nowhere to hide.

Also on these plains we crossed where the front line ran for most of the war, albeit a french sector.

Much to our relief we dropped down into a small town called courtieux where hal billeted in a small cottage by a stream which we think we found as we passed through. Hals battery moved at quite a pace covering 20km in one day to billet in the railway station at a place called vaumoise.This stage was hard work for us with the continued head wind and steep forested areas. We finally reached our stay for the night shattered and aching.

Luckily we were recieved by some fantastic hosts eric and elizabeth and after a brilliant hot shower we had a four course dinner with them. We would highly recommend them if you need some where to stay in the area so look them up on

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