Wednesday 2 September 2009

Day 1

Sorry for the radio silence it turns out that the internet acess in France is not as it is in the UK, along with the ability to pay for anything with credit cards (cue a story that we will laugh about in 3 months... but not now!)

Day One was a scorcher of a day and we started slowly leaving Mons. Not helped by the refusal of the Belgians to use any sort of road signage. but once under way we made good time. We visited Mesvin where the retreat started and haut-le-bois where Hal cqme into action for the first time on a steep hill.

Penny infront of the steep hill...

(btw please also excuse qny spelling ,istqkes qs the French PC keyboqrds hqve q funny lqyout)

We then biked to Nouvelles where Hal retired after his first battle and he learned that Major Maidlow had died (see previous blog post) and was where Lyster one of his injured gunner and the doctor stayed only to be captured by the Germans a few hours after. The Germans had a force of 200 000 against the British expeditionary forces of 70 000 so were close on their tails as they retreated back across the French border.

Cycled through Amfoipret where Hal was billeted and went on a quest for Rum for his men. Sadly no off licence there today!!!

Our billets for the night were just passed Quesnoy where a charming B&B awaited us with copious amounts of local cider.

50km down 280 to go.

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